Feb 12, 2011


wonderful hint designboom - jason decaires taylor - la evolución silenciosa update (more images and info).
Video song Architecture In Helsinki - Underwater

Feb 10, 2011

Lavomatic X 2

Janaina Milheiro is a textile designer that live in Paris, half Brazilian half French she has a wonderful work developing textiles, i always look for her work and ins´t just a textile for me , it´s a pure delicate art! Issu project Janaina Lavomatic

Lavomatic it´s also a nice animation with a delicate history - Hint blog Fubiz

Feb 3, 2011

Beats & Remix

Everything is a Remix from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.

This is a video about the creative process nowadays. It's about music, but the Remix theory can be used for any area. Music, movies, design, visual art and especially fashion. Post-production is everywhere.